19+ plenti vector addgene

GFP expression vector Addgene 17448 or GFP-tagged neurofibromin 1 expression vector pLenti-NF1-GFP kindly provided by Robert F. This is just a small portion of LV-vector backbones available from our core facility.

The Representation Of Context In Mouse Hippocampus Is Preserved Despite Neural Drift Nature Communications

Hennigan University of Cincinnati or vehicle.

. The core recently developed a collection of empty GFPcherry p2A t2A IRES vectors ready-for cloning. GFP expression vector Addgene 17448 or GFP-tagged neurofibromin 1 expression vector pLenti-NF1-GFP kindly provided by Robert F. Hennigan University of Cincinnati or vehicle.


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Addgene Lentiviral Guide


Addgene Plenti Ef1a Spdcas9 Egfp 2a Blast

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Addgene Hu Tlr4 299 Snp Flag Plenti 4 To V5 Pdest

Addgene Plenti Cas9 P2a Puro

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